WF Kline

Price: $25k

Height: 16.3hh

Age: rising 9

Breed: Friesian Warmblood

Sire and Dam: By Klaus Fan Bokkum (imp) out of a mare called WF Harlow (by His Highness). 

Registrations: EA 

Discipline: Dressage/ Show

Rider suitability: Confident Intermediate rider due to breed and size. 

Location: Clonbinane, VIC

WF Kline (Kevin) is a talented and beautiful friesian warmblood who turns heads wherever he goes! Sired by Klaus Fan Bokkum (imp) out of WF Harlow (by His Highness), he represents the best of the Freisian breed standard - cool temperament, strength, stamina and versatility. Kevin, like all good Friesian Warmbloods, is the quintessential all-rounder/sport horse.

Education, riding and experience: Kevin had an excellent start to life and the best possible education with professional schooling until the age of 6. Since then he has been ridden by amateurs, with professional guidance, to establish new skills and fine tune his education. 

Kevin has competed and has results at Novice level dressage, including qualifying for Dressage With The Stars. He is confirmed in Elementary movements and has canter-half pass, he is training the changes and they are developing nicely. We believe that Kevin is very capable of excelling at Medium level dressage.

Kevin has competed at a variety of agricultural shows - including Sunbury and Ringwood - and is a very competitive show hunter.

Kevin loves jumping - easily popping around a 80cm jump course - he is sharp in front and scopey behind.

Kevin likes a variety of work and experiences. He is the same at home, in an indoor arena, outside or competing. Kevin enjoys going to the beach, water walkers, trail rides alone or with others and doing working equitation obstacles. 

General demeanor under saddle: Kevin is a very chilled, laid back and beautiful character. He is tolerant of less experienced riders and is not sharp or reactive - which can be a real blessing! 

Kevin is very talented but he is not the most industrious of characters. When ridden confidently and firmly, he has his own engine and moves beautifully. However, if given the opportunity, he can be lazy and say ‘make me’. 

Current workload/ fitness: Kevin is 100% safe even if he isn’t worked regularly or if he has had a spell. He is more than happy being ridden every second day.

Handling: Kevin is easy to catch, to shoe, needle and worm. He doesn't bite or kick. Kevin loves being washed and is very patient and confident when being clipped. He has done a lot of TRT Groundwork and is easy to handle, truck and float (angle load). Kevin ties up calmly for hours at the float or truck - especially if a hay bag is involved #foodislife

Behaviour: Kevin is a smoochy, friendly character. He is straightforward enough for amateur riders to enjoy and compete. Kevin is 100% safe with no buck, bolt, rear etc.

However, Kevin likes the finer things in life - food and a chilled out existence - imagine him in a smoking jacket with a port and a cigar. He requires a rider who is firm with him when he says ‘make me’. 

Kevin can kick out - ONCE - when he is feeling lazy and told to get moving. Then he always does what he is told, 100% of the time. This behavior has never escalated. However, due to this, he requires a confident rider.

If he was to be purchased by a less confident rider - we would strongly suggest that he was ridden 2 days a week by a professional (or similar) to keep him in front of the leg.

Feeding and management: Kevin has travelled all over the state to compete and attend clinics. He is happy being stabled, yarded or paddocked. Kevin has lived on busy agistment properties and is perfectly calm with the hustle and bustle of life. He doesn’t require any special feed or management, Kevin is on 4cyte as a preventative, like most performance horses.

Medical history: Kevin has not had any injuries or medical issues. He does have some changes, on xrays that are typical of a heavier breed horse but they do not affect his performance. These xrays are available.

Rider Suitability: Kevin is straightforward enough for confident amateur riders to enjoy and compete. 

Reason for sale: Kevin’s owner purchased him through us last year and loves him. Unfortunately, her coach is not able to ride Kevin regularly - which was the plan - and although she feels very safe on him, she does not enjoy his ‘make me’ moments. 

Kevin is currently at Woodmount Equestrian with Jess Olinder, who knows Kevin well having looked after and ridden him for his previous owner. Jess feels that Kevin’s work ethic and schooling have improved significantly since his sale. Her recommendation is that Kevin would suit a confident teen or adult rider - looking for a talented and reliable character - for interschools, adult rider club, all rounder, dressage to medium level, working equitation or showing.


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