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To submit your horse as a candidate for one of our searches, please fill in this form. This is a FREE service for sellers:


Artwork credit: The Art of Michelle Clarke (NZ)


Budget $40k

⭐️ Location: NSW

⭐️ Height : MUST be 16.1hh to 17.2 

⭐️ Age: under 10 years old

⭐️ Breed: Warmblood or WB x

⭐️ Goal: to EVENTUALLY compete at FEI dressage

⭐️ Rider suitability: For a capable and confident adult rider

⭐️ Necessary attributes:

🟢 Must have proven temperament at competition with no less than 5 official outings 

🟢 Must dressage ability - cadence, lightness, willingness, must be in front of the leg

🟢 Must be safe to ride on trails and roads, at agricultural shows, around trucks and machinery.

🟢 Must be easy to handle, sane and sound.

🔴 No buck, bolt, rear or anything dangerous or is too challenging.

🔴 Changes on X-rays are ok, as long as they don’t affect performance, handling or rideability.

🔴 No medical issues or injuries that affect performance, will be thoroughly vetted.


Budget $25k

⭐️ Budget: $25k 

⭐ ️ Location: : Australia wide

⭐️ Height : MUST be 15-16hh

⭐️ Age: 8-13

⭐️ Breed: Any but no OTT TB

⭐️ Goal: for rider to feel safe and confident, forming a great long term partnership with the new horse, to compete, attend clinics. To compete EVA95, elementary level dressage and jump over 100cm straight showjumping. 

⭐️ Rider suitability: For intermediate, small 16 year old currently competing EVA95.

⭐️ Necessary attributes: 

🟢 Must be competing elementary level dressage. 

🟢 Must be show jumping 105cm without refusals.

🟢 Must be competing EVA95.

🟢 Must be safe, sane, sound and willing.

🟢 Must be safe to ride on trails and roads, at busy shows and after a spell.

🟢 Must be easy to handle and float and be happy to be stabled when necessary.

🟡 Preferably competed by a junior. 

🔴 No buck, bolt, rear or anything dangerous, needs management or is challenging.

🔴 Changes on X-rays are ok, as long as they don’t affect performance, handling or rideability.

🔴 No medical issues or injuries that affect performance, will be thoroughly vetted.


Budget $30k

🏆 Wanted: Schoolmaster eventer 🏆

⭐️ Budget: $30k

⭐️ Location: NSW, Victoria, QLD, SA

⭐️ Height : MUST be 15-16hh

⭐️ Age: 7-15

⭐️ Breed: Any

⭐️ Goal: to compete: to event at EVA80, to eventually 1*

⭐️ Rider suitability: For capable and confident 14 year old currently competing EVA80

⭐️ Necessary attributes: 

🟢 Must be competing in eventing 

🟢 Must be show jumping 80cm without refusals

🟢 Must be safe, sane, sound and willing

🟢 Must be safe to ride on trails and roads.

🟢 Must be safe after a spell.

🟢 Must be safe to handle and float.

🟢 A horse with a personality and a bit of cheekiness is totally fine!

🔴 No ‘highly strung’ horses, buck, bolt, rear, separation anxiety or anything dangerous, needs management or is challenging.

🔴 Changes on X-rays are ok, as long as they don’t affect performance, handling or rideability.

🔴 No medical issues or injuries that affect performance, will be thoroughly vetted


Budget $15k

⭐️ Location: NSW

⭐️ Height : Galloway - MUST under height for pony dressage

⭐️ Age: flexible

⭐️ Breed: Any

⭐️ Goal: to educate and compete in pony dressage and at ag shows with the aim of qualifying for Royals.

⭐️ Rider suitability: For capable middle aged rider

⭐️ Necessary attributes: 

🟢 Must have competed at ag shows and handle fireworks and atmosphere

🟢 Must be safe after a spell.

🟢 Must be sensible, easy to handle, sane and sound. 

🔴 No spook, no shy, no separation anxiety, no buck, bolt, rear or anything dangerous, needs management or is challenging.

🔴 Changes on X-rays are ok, as long as they don’t affect performance, handling or rideability.

🔴 No medical issues or injuries that affect performance, will be thoroughly vetted.

Pleasure/ PC Galloway

Budget $10k

⭐️ Location: NSW 

⭐️ Height : MUST be 14-15hh

⭐️ Age: flexible

⭐️ Breed: any

⭐️ Goal: for rider to feel safe and confident, forming a great long term partnership with the new horse, perhaps to compete at pony club and attend clinics

⭐️ Rider suitability: For novice, tall 9 year old and her mother.

⭐️ Necessary attributes: 

🟢 Must be have attended pony club

🟢 Must have a solid basic education

🟢 Must be sane, sound and willing

🟢 Must be safe to ride on trails/ roads and after a spell

🟢 Must be easy to handle, shoe, rug, wash and float

🔴 Nothing ‘green’ or ‘dirty’ - no buck, bolt, rear or anything dangerous, needs management or is challenging

🔴 Changes on X-rays or manageable issues are ok, as long as they are fully disclosed and don’t affect performance, handling or rideability.

Some of our successful searches:

Juniors/ Young Rider Showjumper to 130 - price withheld

Junior's Medium/ Advanced Dressage Schoolmaster $60k ($80k budget)

Amateur's Medium dressage schoolmaster $50k

Child's Showjumper $25k ($30k budget)

Teenager's showjumper - $14k ($30k budget) 

Amateur's allrounder superstar $40k

Amateur's Eventer $25k

Child's 110 showjumper - $20k

Beginner's stock horse $15k 

Child's showjumper/ eventer $15k 

Child's show hack - price withheld 

Child's lead rein pony $3k


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