Performance Horse Sales - Finding the perfect match between buyer, horse and seller.
Sales Service options include:
1. Full Sales Service:
$140 listing fee (including a $40 Horsezone ad)
5% commission - minimum $1000 and capped at $2000*
The listing fee is waived for well educated and issue free horses.
2. Zero Commission Full Sales Service:
$500 upfront (up to $20k listing price)
3. Rehoming Service for 'free' horses and ponies:
$250 fee paid by owner or 'adopter' by negotiation.
*Did you know that most agents charge 10% NOT capped? This equates to $5000 on a $50k sale or $15,000 on a $150,000 sale!
Prices are plus GST
To list your horse, please fill in the:
Marketing Information and Terms
Please note, this form, terms and conditions are NOT BINDING until :
PHS has been in contact with the potential client AND receives confirmation that the client would like to proceed.
Feel free to fill out a form and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements.
Terms and Conditions