Performance Horse Sales - Finding the perfect match between buyer, horse and seller.
Disclaimer: our blog, our thoughts:
Possibly unwanted and unwarranted - feel free to stop reading now...
Why we don't care about height and colour - and neither should you...
Height is at the VERY bottom of our list of search criteria and colour isn’t even given a passing thought…
Doid you know there is 10cm between 15.2hh and 16.2hh? But people routinely turn down horses because they are 0.1hh (or 2.5cm) over OR under their ‘ideal’ height criteria.
Apart from the fact that 99% of horse’s heights are ‘guesstimated’, the way the horse is built and carries itself has a much bigger influence on how ‘big’ it feels and what it is like to ride.
🛟 To the people who say they don’t feel ‘safe’ on bigger horses - trust me - education and temperament equal safety, not being ‘little’!
I would trust a 16.3hh schoolmaster over most ponies, any day of the week 👿
🎨 On the subject of colour - a wise man once said, ‘a good horse is NEVER a bad color’ (read that again…)
In fairness though, I actually wouldn’t buy a pale skinned cremello or similar because it would turn into a rasher of bacon on our 45° summer days… 🔥🥓
Back to the topic at hand…
Every horse needs to be ‘fit for purpose’ and a Shetland won’t jump 120 but make sure your criteria doesn’t rule you out of purchasing the right horse ✌🏻