Megaview No Doubt Hes So Sporty

Asking price: $10k

Height: 15.1hh

Age: 10

Breed: Australian Stock Horse


Registrations: ASH 266165 

Discipline: pony club/ adult rider club, mustering/ feed lot work, pleasure/ trail riding

Rider suitability: Capable rider or a novice rider under instruction/ with an experienced family

Location: Canungra, QLD

Introduction: Reggie is a fabulous 10 year old, 15.1 hh registered stock horse gelding by the great sire Kirkby’s Stud Sport out of Agent No Doubt She's Ginger. He represents the best of his breed - he is responsive and intelligent; agile and hardworking; he is suitable for various disciplines.

Education, skills and experience: Reggie has been on outings for lessons, jumped small courses, mustered and been ridden on trails.

Reggie can be ridden as little or as much as you like. He is safe after a spell and is unfazed by farm life, dogs and livestock.  

General demeanor under saddle: Reggie is described as more ‘whoa than go’. He is reliable, safe and kind. When ridden forward, he is light in the bridle. Reggie is ridden in a Bombers loose ring ported barrel bit and a drop noseband.

Current workload/ fitness: Reggie is currently in work, being ridden 1-2 times a week.

Handling: Reggie is safe and easy to handle - to catch, trim (currently happy barefoot), wash, saddle and load. Reggie can show minor resistance when loading into a straight load float. Reggie travels well but does need to be reminded to be patient when unloading.

Behaviour: Reggie is extremely affectionate and is an absolute pleasure to have around. He is the first to meet you at the gate. Reggie can be a little looky but he just stops and, at the most, slowly moves sideways. He does not buck, bolt, rear or have any ‘dirt’.

Feeding and management: Reggie lives on grass. At times he is fed hay, chaff and millrun. 

Medical history: Reggie does not have any medical issues. He did get very mild itch over summer which was successfully treated with Equicort and rugging.

Rider Suitability: Reggie would be suitable for a capable junior or adult rider. Reggie is tolerant of novice rider mistakes as long as the rider has the skills to move him forward. A novice rider under instruction/ with an experienced family would be fine for Reggie.

Reason for sale: Reggie is very reluctantly for sale because his owner would like to find a horse to compete at the higher levels of dressage, showjumping and eventing. 

Reggie’s owner says: Reggie is a lovely, well natured and safe gelding who is suited to trail riding, mustering and potentially to lower level competition. 

Reggie was purchased by his current owner through the 2024 Dalby Sale and was described as: "Quiet gelding ridden by the whole family. Spent time working in the feedlot and general farm work. Open/shut gates. Easy to do everything with. Comes when called and wants to be your mate. Hard sale."